Authors: Andrew Cooke
Photography: Jürg Brand
Pages: 176
Publisher: Wildlife Conservation Society
ISBN: 978-2-9530572-7-0
...an easily readable, informative and generously illustrated format designed for a wide ranging audience...
Cooke, Andrew. (2012). Cooke, A & Brand, J, 2012. Madagascar – A Guide to Marine Biodiversity. 176 pp.
Authored by Andrew Cooke, CEO of RESOLVE, this book can be downloaded for free as a PDF from this page.
This comprehensive guide sheds light on Madagascar’s rich marine biodiversity, drawing from extensive ecological and oceanographic research. It builds upon foundational studies conducted by French scientists in the 1960s and 70s and includes the latest findings in marine ecology, oceanography, and climate change.
The book is enriched with underwater photographs by Jürg Brand, showcasing Madagascar’s diverse marine life. As interest in marine conservation grows in Madagascar, and numerous new marine protected areas are designated, this guide serves as a resource for marine conservationists, fisheries managers, scientists, students, divers, and anyone intrigued by the beauty and conservation of Madagascar’s marine environment.
Contact RESOLVE to inquire about ordering a physical copy of the book.