Protected Areas and Biodiversity

RESOLVE assists institutions and governments in the creation of marine and terrestrial protected areas, as well as biosphere reserves. During the creation process, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) are conducted in compliance with the relevant regulations in Madagascar.

Once the assessments are established, we contribute to the drafting of protected area management plans, which include social safeguard plans to benefit local communities. We have expertise conducting field missions to gather the necessary data for these social safeguard plans.

To ensure high management quality in the long term, we also implement the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) and other methods of protected area evaluation.

Economic Valuation & Monitoring

RESOLVE undertakes the economic valuation of protected areas, including their ecosystem services. It also designs systems for monitoring the delivery of ecosystem services by protected areas, as well as their economic contribution and benefit distribution.

Natural Resources Management & Conservation Planning

RESOLVE has expertise in planning natural resource management in fisheries, aquaculture, and forestry. We have contributed to conservation planning in Madagascar, particularly in the development of marine protected areas and protected wetlands.