Revision of the UNESCO listing of the Toliara littoral zone biosphere reserve and feasibility study for resubmission as a biosphere reserve for Tsimanampesotse and Nosy Ve areas in the Androka region. In collaboration with WWF Madagascar.
- Review the earlier UNESCO listing of the Toliara Littoral zone biosphere reserve and undertake its revision in view of relocation of its perimeter to the Tsimanampesotse and Nosy Ve-Androka coastal region, SW Madagascar.
- Gather national and international experience in the design, implementation and operation of marine-terrestrial biosphere reserves to inform the study.
- Based on the model established for the Kirindy Mite National Park – Belo-sur-mer biosphere, study the feasibility of linking the TSP national park to the Nosy Ve–Androka national park, including developing a system of ecological corridors.
- Develop a business case for the establishment of a Biosphere Reserve in the TSP-NSV coastal area
- Develop an action plan and deliverables required to consolidate the sustainable use of natural resources around the national park and the creation of a biosphere reserve.
- Prepare an estimate of costs associated with the creation of the biosphere reserve and the operating costs.
- Organize the necessary preparatory consultations, including with the National ICZM Committee to obtain the opinion of the committee members on the coherence of the proposed biosphere reserve with the experiences and policies in this area
- Write a submission to UNESCO listing for the creation of the future TSP-NSV biosphere reserve.