Establishment of the Nosy Tanikely Marine protected Area (MPA) as a new marine protected area (MPA) according to appropriate creation procedures, including a safety plan for affected stakeholders (PAPs). As part of the Integrated Growth Pole (IGP) Project by the World Bank and the government of Madagascar.
- Detailed study on the development plan and the mode of protection of the future marine protected area (MPA) Nosy Tanikely – Nosy Be.
- Precision of the exact location of the different developments in the future area of the site.
- Updating and validation of the development and management plan for the site.
- Elaboration of a budgeted plan of action for the transformation of the MPA site.
- Elaboration of a geo-referenced map with different areas
- Develop a plan of protection of persons affected by the project (PAPs)
- Validation of the inter-ministerial order for temporary protection.